Vending Machine For Drink How To Change The Slot

You put your change in a vending machine, you expect to get your candy, prize, or whatever you paid for. This trope is when the machine doesn't do that, or inflicts harm on you. This comes in several varieties: The machine refuses to accept a character's money. The machine gets jammed and the buyer might get the candy right upside the head. Use container sizes the machine was designed to handle. Open the secure lock and open the front of the machine. Open cases of beverage containers and slide into slots inside the machine. Remove coins if that is part of your task.

How do they recognize the money you insert?

Coin-operated vending machines work by detecting inserted coins through physical and electronic mechanisms. When a coin is inserted into the vendor’s slot, it travels down a specially angled chute. It is angled to generate a set amount of momentum for the travelling coin.

The currency then passes through an electromagnetic field generated by an electromagnet that surrounds the chute, generating an electronic signature according to its chemical composition. If this signature doesn’t match one of the vendor’s computer’s known set of signatures (the different coin values) the coin is not logged by the system, but rejected.

Once through the electromagnetic field, the travelling coin must then cross the reject chute to be accepted by the vendor. To do this, the coin must be travelling at the correct momentum as dictated by the chute, with coins travelling too slowly or quickly stopped with physical barriers. This ensures that only official, known currency is accepted – coins which are too light, too heavy or too big or small are physically stopped, as they do not travel down the chute at the pre-designed speed.

If coins pass both checks, they are logged and accepted by the vending machine and function accordingly; if either check fails, however, the coin is rejected and sent down a second chute for collection.

RFID Soda Machine

Hive13 Equipment
List of All Documented Equipment
Owner/Loaner: Hive13
Hive13 Asset Tag:HV0001
Make/Model:Dixie Narco 501E (google)
Arrival Date:
Does it work?: Yes
Certification Needed?: No
Contact: NancyG

Vending Machine For Drink How To Change The Slot
  • 5Arduino Control System
    • 5.5Wiring Info

The Vending machine takes cash as well as swipes from Hive13 RFID Member cards. Credits can be loaded onto cards via

Currently Contains:

  • Dr. Pepper
  • Mountain Dew
  • Coke
  • Sprite
  • Diet Coke
  • Diet Mountain Dew
  • Coke Zero
  • Random Slot (Contains assortment below. Button triggers randomized selection from all slots. Can access this slot by holding down buttons 1 & 3.)
    • Currently Dispensing
      • Vanilla Coke
      • Cherry Coke
      • Cherry Vanilla Pepsi
      • Orange Crush
      • Mug Root Beer
      • Mountain Dew Pitch Black
      • Mountain Dew Code Red
      • Mountain Dew Voltage
  • Mars 2000 series bill acceptor
  • Coinco 9370-S coin acceptor/control board
  • Coinco 9360-S coin acceptor/control board
  • Capacity: 5 Single Column Slots (45 Cans each) and 3 Double Column Slots (87 Cans Each)
  • Label Dimensions: 1.375'x3.5' (3.125' visible). Punch hole in upper left corner for light.

The Coinco box is what controls the actual dispensing for the most part. What happens is when money is inserted in either coin or bill form a signal is sent to the main controller board of the Coinco box (control board from here on). The control board has various power distribution pieces on it, but more importantly it has a microcontroller on it. The microcontroller is what tallies up the money inserted and sends the vend signal when the amount is high enough. It also dispenses coins if exact change is not inserted.

When the micro sends out the vend signal it triggers a relay which provides power to all of the switches (buttons) on the front of the machine and the user then presses a button, sending power to a motor inside the cold part of the machine, which then rotates a certain amount to dispense a drink.

The code running on the Arduino is on our GitHub.

How it talks to the server

Additional Features

  • Press buttons 1 & 2 to display the current temperature. Each light from the top down is a range of two degrees, with the top one being thirty-two degrees. Anything below or above the range is indicated by a green light on that end of the range. Blue is closer to the base temperature, and red is closer to the next button's base temperature.
  • Press buttons 2 & 3 or 2 & 4 to turn on and off a Larsen scanner. This code is basically the idle loop of the MCU.
  • Press buttons 5 & 6 to dispense a random diet soda.
  • Press buttons 7 & 8 to dispense a random regular soda.
  • Hunt through the code to find more! Don't abuse them.
Vending machine for drink how to change the slots


Vending Machine For Drink How To Change The Slot Machine

  • Jon Neal
  • Greg
  • Add yourself here if you want to join this project


Vending Machine For Drink How To Change The Slot Car

  • Have the Arduino control the temperature.
    • There's a temperature sensor already installed.
    • Need to have strong protections against fluttering the relay that'll drive the compressor.
    • Need a relay to drive the compressor.
  • Slot 3's timing cam needs some adjustment, as it jams or erroneously dispenses on occasion.
  • Put an LCD display or something on it to display temps and credits remaining or whatever.
  • Mount the Arduino Mega on an actual mount and re-do the wiring so it's comprehensible.
  • Maybe mount the relay board better, too. It's shorted out before, and it's switching 120 V.A.C.

Wiring Info

Sold Out wiring

It's a piece of Cat 5 running from the sold-out switches to the Arduino, with another loose wire serving as a common. Note that the wire is hooked up to the NC contact, and the switch is pressed when there is no soda in the slot. This means a defect will cause it to not vend, so it won't eat your money.

Soda SlotWire ColorArduino PinATmega Pin
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